
Hello Sunshine.

Please feel free to explore my internet hideaway where I post all about my life and travels from around this lovely planet we call home.

Comment Policy

Just be nice. Simple as that.

I’m all about holding meaningful discussions in the comment section, but there are some rules to be implemented to keep this a safe space for everyone involved. I’ll keep this short and sweet.

Stay on topic: Please stay on the topic of the post you are commenting on. I can understand veering slightly from the exact topic to that of a similar topic, but do your best to keep it in the same general area.

No Self-Promotion: Please do not use this platform to advertise your own blog. If you are using another blog post to sincerely add to the conversation, that is understandable. If not, just don’t do it.

Watch your words: Certain words (explicits, slang, etc.) will flag your comment for review before posting. Just review your comment for any questionable language prior to submission.

No plagiarism: Use your own words and thoughts to create meaningful discussions in the comments.

English only: Please do not use languages other than English.

Most Importantly: BE NICE. Every heard the phrase “Treat others the way you want to be treated”? This goes for commenting as well. There is a fine line between constructive criticism and nasty, argumentative behavior. I expect none to cross this line.

Thank you for reading and happy commenting sunshine!

Herculaneum: The Lesser Known Cousin of Pompeii

Herculaneum: The Lesser Known Cousin of Pompeii