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The Roman Colosseum: Flavian Amphitheatre and Surrounding Attractions

The Roman Colosseum: Flavian Amphitheatre and Surrounding Attractions

Being one of the most recognized buildings in the world, its on nearly everyones bucket list. With great stories of gladiator games and killing sprees, who’s not to be intrigued by the history? I was very happy to get a chance to visit this historical and architectural masterpiece in person.

The Colosseum

Getting to tour this monumental building was an amazing experience. Our tour guide did an amazing job at making us feel like we were in the ancient times watching everything go down! Although, he did kill some folklore, movie myths.

Firstly, the gladiator games weren’t the only shows to be held at the colosseum. In fact, there were three separate shows throughout the day. The first morning show was human vs. animal where an appointed animal expert would go around the empire to find different exotic animals to go up against a human and fight to the death. The second afternoon show was for public executions. The roman laws were written but since many people couldn’t read they used executionees as examples of breaking laws so others wouldn’t.

The third and final evening show was the famous gladiator show, but it wasn’t all we are perceived for it to be. You see, it was seen more as entertainment and was actually fixed. Each gladiator had a manager who would make deals with eachother on who would win, lose, or die. These meetings were often held with the king of the time. When the meeting decided one of the gladiators would die, they would go through with the show and when it would come time, the king would ask the spectators making it seem like they were deciding the fate. Compare it to the modern day wrestling. Pretty disappointing huh? Well don’t worry, the colosseum itself is far from disappointing and definitely a sight to see.

The Roman Forum and Palatine Hill

The areas surrounding the colosseum are also beautiful historically rich landmarks that are worth a stroll. The Roman Forum is a rectangular forum containing the ruins of many ancient government, religious, and social buildings and places. Some of these buildings included temples and shrines, judicial offices for the meeting of the senate, and even an ancient (and now destroyed) basilica. The modern area is gorgeous and always bustling with people reveling in the history.

Palatine Hill is one of the most ancient sites of all of Rome. This hill is where its said that Romulus and Remus fought to the death and therefor founded Rome. Along the hill is also many ruins of ancient building and you can see Circus Maximus from one side.

My Final Thoughts

I would highly recommend exploring this entire area when in Rome. It really captures the history of Rome in a beautiful and historic way. Don’t just see the colosseum and leave, the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill are a must as well! I bought a ticket in advance and I highly recommend you do as well because of the lines and popularity. The colosseum has a limit of 300 people inside at all times so once it hits 300, no one else is allowed inside until people leave. My ticket was for a guided tour (of course) of all three of the places mentioned above including all entrance fees. It was a decent price and 100% worth it!

Thank you for reading and happy traveling.

Date Visited: August 14, 2019

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