
Hello Sunshine.

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Path of the Gods: A Stunning Panorama of the Amalfi Coast

Path of the Gods: A Stunning Panorama of the Amalfi Coast

My Experience on Trail

I’ve had the pleasure of doing this hike a few times now, and it is absolutely breathtaking every time! You start in a charming small town in the mountains. Once you locate the trail, you’ll walk a dirt path to your first genuinely breathtaking view, which is a split. Turn right and keep on trucking through the varying terrain. You’ll walk through the forest, over rocks, and take plenty of stairs to reach Lemon Point. There, you will find a great picnicking area with seats, cats, and a stand serving lemon drinks and snacks open throughout the summer. This is my preferred ending point since it is easy to eat lunch here and turn back to return to the start. Those brave enough to descend hundreds of stairs may make it to the beautiful town of Positano. I’ve heard there is a bus that goes back and forth from the starting town to Positano but I have heard nothing but bad things from travelers wishing to take this route, so I personally wouldn’t recommend including this in your plans.

My Final Thoughts

I would highly recommend this hike to anyone in the Naples area or Amalfi Coast. The striking views are totally worth the minimal effort this hike takes. There are plenty of stopping points throughout the trail including picnic tables and viewpoints. Of course, do the proper research on where to park, start, and turn on the trail before showing up. Bring lunch, water, and a few friends to this adventure and consider your day fully booked with fresh air and fun!

Thank you for reading and happy traveling.

Date Visited: February 29, 2020

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How to Patch a Hole in a Piece of Clothing

How to Patch a Hole in a Piece of Clothing

Milan: An Exciting Mix of Old and New

Milan: An Exciting Mix of Old and New