
Hello Sunshine.

Please feel free to explore my internet hideaway where I post all about my life and travels from around this lovely planet we call home.

Positano: Rain and Shine

Positano: Rain and Shine

My Experience in Positano

I took a trip with my local tour company where we took a boat into Positano. It started as a beautiful day, so naturally I chose to sit on the top balcony of the boat on the way. The entire way was gorgeous and I was having a grand time soaking up the sun… until I wasn’t. A huge grey storm cloud loomed over Positano as our boat rolled towards the dock (see picture with the rainbow!). Sure enough, it rolled directly towards the boat, effectively SOAKING the entire top deck! As many people went into the interior as possible but not everyone could fit, so many of us were left to fend for ourselves behind bags and coats! Luckily, the downpour only lasted about 10 minutes, leaving a beautifully sunny path behind! We were then able to successfully dock and explore this gorgeous city! It was overall a wonderful day exploring the sights solo.

My Final Thoughts

Positano was amazingly beautiful! I can’t wait to go back and explore some more one day!

  1. Expect the unexpected.

  2. Always bring an umbrella to the Amalfi Coast.

  3. Always look for the rainbow in the storm.

Thank you for reading and happy traveling.

Date Visited: September 7, 2019

*This post contains affiliate links that benefit me at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting my adventures.

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