
Hello Sunshine.

Please feel free to explore my internet hideaway where I post all about my life and travels from around this lovely planet we call home.

Vineyard to Bottle: Italian Grape Harvest

Vineyard to Bottle: Italian Grape Harvest

My Experience at Grape Harvest

I had the pleasure of experiencing this amazing phenomenon not just once, but at two different wineries within two weeks, and you know I had to take full advantage! We started with a history lesson and tour of the grounds. We got to check out the grape processors, aging barrels, and the bottling assembly. Next, we grabbed some shears and got to cutting! We filled up quite a few baskets to process and smash. (Check out the photo of me living out my “I Love Lucy” dreams in the grape smashing tub!) After the main event, we got to taste all the delicious variations of wines made by the same grapes we harvested! Although it takes a long time for the grapes we picked to actually become the wine we drink, it still feels like we took part in making it!

My Final Thoughts

I had an amazing time at both places! Discovering this beautiful landscape and learning about and participating in the deep rooted traditions of the culture was such a gift. And getting to do it with great people and friends surrounding me was even better! I would highly recommend to anyone visiting in September (this is the only month this is really available!).

Thank you for reading and happy traveling.

Date Visited: September 29/October 6, 2019

*This post contains affiliate links that benefit me at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting my adventures.

Paris: The City of Light, Love, and Revolution

Paris: The City of Light, Love, and Revolution

BUTTS vs The Environment

BUTTS vs The Environment