
Hello Sunshine.

Please feel free to explore my internet hideaway where I post all about my life and travels from around this lovely planet we call home.

Wondering, Wandering | Thoughts from...

Traveling solo is amazing, but you have to understand… 

There’s a big difference between traveling solo because you planned on being solo versus traveling solo because plans fell through.  

There’s a difference between waking up in a bustling hostel ready to meet new people on a pre-planned tour versus waking up alone in a bed meant for two filling your day with things you thought you’d be doing in someone else’s company.  

The biggest difference, however, is feeling like you can conquer the unknown versus feeling like there is something missing in the unknown.  

Traveling solo is amazing when you plan on it, not when you’re left 





Thoughts from Palacio Real de Madrid  

September 18, 2019 

Angel Caves of Pertosa: Natural Prehistoric Beauty within the Mountains

Angel Caves of Pertosa: Natural Prehistoric Beauty within the Mountains

Valencia: Architecture and Art at Every Turn

Valencia: Architecture and Art at Every Turn